
Who We Are

Leo-links offers primary market insights through B2B interviews for any industry worldwide. We are not an expert network nor a mass survey provider. We combine the best of both: Quality AND Quantity! SERVICES

What We Do

We interview decision-makers, competitors, (potential) customers & market experts to understand markets, collect insights and identify opportunities. SERVICES

How You Benefit

Focus your efforts on guiding the project by leaving us the heavy lifting. Free up resources and boost your team’s productivity through our support! CONTACT US

How to Get Started

One quick questionnaire is all it takes! We deliver the first results within 48hrs. CONTACT US
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Research Consultants Globally

Your Primary Market Research Partner

In-depth & Representative Insights

Get 30 to 50 expert interviews with our standard offering within a week, scalable to any number to meet your specific needs. Receive up to four times as many interviews for the same budget as with a classic expert network.

Global Market Insights

Benefit from comprehensive access to all major markets in their native language through our global team of research consultants: Europe, the Americas, APAC (incl. China), Africa & Middle East.

Exclusivity of Information

Gain unique and up-to-date insights that aren't publicly available. We source project-specific contacts individually and exclusively for your project. You own the data, and we never release it to third parties.

Quick Delivery of Results

Receive daily insights crucial for strategy, and fast-paced due diligence projects. We ramp-up our research teams in less than 24 hrs and deliver the first results within 48 hrs.


Wide Industry Track-Record

We are experienced in covering all major industry sectors that are specialized on niche markets.


300+ Supported Projects

We have worked on commercial due diligence, growth strategy, market entry, and red flag projects.


Extensive Language Coverage

We have a network of 100+ consultants worldwide allowing us to support your project in virtually every country and language, usually in the market’s native tongue.

Client Base

Broad Field of Clients

We are supporting offices of the Big Three (MBB), PE firms, Big Four, major strategy, and boutique consultancies.

Ready to Start Your Research Project?